
As a new competitive soccer club in southern Marin, MCS FC began by offering boys teams in the following birth years: 2014, 2013 and 2012/2011. In 2023 we hope to attract more players and are offering additional boys teams in the 2015 birth year as well as girls teams in the 2015 (U9), 2014 (U10) and 2013 (U11) birth years.

Teams are formed by birth year in accordance with US Club Soccer. Players may play on a team of a older age group but not in a younger age group team.

7 v 7 (U9 – U10’s) 2016/2015
9 v 9 (U11 – U12’s) 2014/2013
11 v 11 (U13s) 2012+


In the first year at MCS FC, teams were able to enjoy the success of winning a CCSL league title in the 2013 Gold division, become tournament finalists as well as champions of the Tall Trees tournament and were invited to play in the coveted Cal North state cup where they reached the semi-finals. In addition, we had an opportunity to travel to Spain and compete in a country where the culture of soccer pumps through the veins of entire families and communities where their social engagement through the beautiful game of soccer often dictates the course of their days, weeks and even months.


A few fortunate MCS FC players were able to experience this amazing cultural opportunity and travel to compete in Barcelona and Cambrils, Spain where they were exposed to different cultures and met new friends from countries worldwide as they played in the famed Mundialito tournament. Mundialito is a tournament known for its now famous soccer stars who played there during their youth. Players including Messi, Ronaldinho, Cristiano Ronaldo, David Beckham, Roberto Carlos, Ibrahimavic, Iniesta, Xavi, Luis Suarez and the list goes on. The moments our kids shared with teammates and the new friends they made will surely be ingrained in their memories for the rest of their lives, not to mention the memory of holding up the massive first place trophy they earned as champions!

We are so proud of the accomplishments of our players both individually and collectively in our inaugural year as a competitive club, GO PANTHERS!

2013 Panthers

2022 Cal North State Cup Semi Finalists

2011/12 Panthers

MVLA Fall Cup 2023 Champions

MVLA Fall Cup 2023 Champs!

2023 Stanford Summer Classic Tournament Champions

Competitions Abroad

2023 Mundialito Silver Cup Champions